środa, 26 czerwca 2013

Niby dużo wiem, ale...

Ok, więc postanowiłam napisać to samo najpierw po polsku, a później po angielsku, żeby nie było problemu.
Dzisiaj postanowiłam zrobić sobie plik gdzie umieszczam zdjęcia, które chce wydrukować i zabrać ze sobą do stanów żeby ozdobić ściany mojego pokoju. (Można zobaczyć część z nich na dole).
EDIT! Moja mama odpisała - specjalnie na nasz przyjazd remontuje swój dom. Jest przekochana! Zadała mi ze sto pytań, dość ciekawych nie powiem. :)
Ze szczęśliwych wiadomości - dzisiaj oficjalnie miałam zakończenie roku w szkole i od kilku godzin mam już wakacje!
Fast in English will be later! :) Down here You can see the pictures which I am going to print and take with me to USA to use them as a part of decoration of my room.
 1. Z siostrą po zakończeniu roku szkolnego/ With sister on the end of school year.
 2. Z przyjacielem/With friend <3
 3. Z przyjaciółmi z gimnazjum/ with friends from secondary school
 4. Z jedną z moich najlepszych przyjaciółek - Dorką <3/With one of my best friends - Dorka <3
 5. Trochę zabawy podczas pracy / some fun during work
 6. Z Mattem i jego przyjaciółką/ With Matt and his friend
7. Z moją kochaną Olgą w Moskwie / with my lovely Olga in Moscow
8. Trochę nudów na lekcji/ Some boring moments on lesson
 9. Łapiemy trochę kultury z Ulczi -->Small  Star in Big World
 10. Rozmyślamy..
11. Najlepsze lody w Toruniu.!

czwartek, 20 czerwca 2013

Some news and stuff

Hmm, I haven't writen for a while, because I didn't have any interesting information. Until now, so first of all:
- Even if I went to 12th grade, I cannot be graduated. But I think I found the solution and maybe after one year I will back to USA privately to finish high school;
-I have contact with my host mom. And she is great! We are texting a little bit and for now I know that one of my "things to do" will be teaching her how to properly use computer. I will have my own room (and already have plan how to decorate it a little bit).
- And I'm really curious about school, but at the moment I know only that I'm going to choose classes when I will be in States. I should start thinking what kind of sport I will take to train.. Any ideas? 
Down here some pictures:
 1. Street view. Looks warm ;)
 2. Bed in one of the rooms. It's still empty, but I will fix it :)
3. Always wanted to have somethong like that!!!
Hope to post some new information soon :)

sobota, 15 czerwca 2013

ASCA Nationals - my world!

Ok, I should write about high school, but two days ago I got an amazing news from my friend. Before I start saying about ASCA Nationals, I have to mention that one of my biggest passion is showing dogs on dog shows. I truly love it! It's all about doing it as perfect as possible and trying to win. Thanks to that hobby I have friends all around the world. Two days ago I decided to write to my friend - Jill to tell her good and bad news. The good one was that I already know the placement, but bad one was that it's located on the other side of USA as she lives in Boston. I showed her my blog and than I got a message from her that ASCA Nationals is going to held in GREELEY! Exactly there, where I'm going to live! ASCA Nationals is a kind of show just for one breed, one of my favorite breed- Australian Shepherd (you can google that or check pictures down here). There will be four shows! On that shows breeders from all the states in USA and even from Europe are coming to show their dogs. Hundreds of Australian Shepherds in one place! There will be also agility, herding and obedience competitions. HEAVEN FOR ME! Gosh, USA is one of the biggest countries in the world and such a show is going to be exactly there and exactly when I will be in Greeley. You can't even imagine how it made my day, because I had mixed feelings about my placement, but I don't have it anymore! It was meant to be! I'm counting days till beginning of exchange, so let's say it all together - just 55 days!
Down here are pictures so that you can easily understand what I'm talking about! :)
First two are thanks kindness of Jillayne Karras - Thank You!
Next fast coming soon!
You can leave your comments so that I know what do You think about it.
Follow "Color Your Colorado"!
1. Jill with her baby- boy Striker! <3 - picture from Greeley 2009 ASCA Nationals
 2. Jill & Striker  perfect stacking.
3.Me and Rock - rocking in movement! :)
4. Last one, again together with Rock. BTW Rock is a son of Striker. Aren't they beautiful?!

piątek, 14 czerwca 2013

56 days + short story about exchange!

Honestly, I don’t remember since when I wanted to go on exchange. The thing I remember is that one day I asked my mom what does she think about exchange. Well, she was surprised for sure, but as I think in all families, I had to get an agreement from both of parents, not only from mommy. So finally, after long fight with myself inside, I decided to ask my dad. He is not an easy person to live with so I was ready to hear thousands of stories why I can’t go there, but I was positively shocked. He answered shortly: ‘Yes! Sure! It’s going to help you with education and in the future so for that we always have money.’. Well, it was easier than I expected. After that I started to write hundreds of emails to Why Not USA. Everything seemed to be so easy. Yes, it was easy until I got another idea to try to get scholarship to England for 2 years of high school in private school. I stood in front of huge dilemma: 1 year on exchange in USA where I have to pay, but I know I’m going there or 100% or 2 years in England in private school. However, I couldn’t be sure if I go to England until June. And on the other hand, in June it would be too late to apply for exchange program. Due to that in last times I have problems with making decisions, I started to fill both of the applications for exchange and for scholarship. But finally I had to choose something. So I did. At the moment I’m satisfied of my choice, but time will show if I made a good one. Anyway, filling the application was tiring and time-consuming exercise. It was even harder because everything I do, I try to do as good as possible. Short essay, opinion of head teacher, English teacher, doctor. Vaccinations, certificate of birth and pictures are just a part of application. Ok, when I finished it, there stayed the hardest thing for me waiting for confirmation, then for placement etc. It was the hardest part because I’m extremely impatient Oh, and of course a speaking tests by Skype which was the most stressful thing for me. But I have to say that I think I did it quite well. < I just love to talk, so>.

I was sooo thrilled when one morning I noticed an email from Why Not USA. Yes, I’m in the program! The rest of the day I was just thinking about the exchange. Where am I going to live? How my family will look like? And school. What about school? Big one located in centre or smaller one on the suburbs? Yes, I know, I am super curious. So I was trying to do as many things as possible to do not thing about it all the time. On last History lesson, honestly, I was quite bored so I decided to check my email. And here it was: double placement. Inside the email was nothing about the place where I’m going to stay. Just declaration to agree for living in the same host family with girl from Italy. I agreed and together with my parents we signatured that document before sending it back.

I still didn’t get an official confirmation, but I know that in Greeley I’m going to live with host mom who lives in a quite big house. She loves traveling and dogs, so I think it really suits to my lifestyle.

Ok, so there are just a few things left before I will leave. School year in Colorado starts on 15th of August so I think I will have my flight something about 10th. I have to fix visa and pay for flight. And the hardest thing: pack all my life in one luggage. If we say that I’m going to fly on 10th there are just 56 more days left.!! 56, do you get it?

Oh and I have to start making a list of things for which people asked me to buy them. Staff like postcards and sweets will be often imported things to Poland during my visit in US lol! Moreover, I think it would be nice to buy some polish staff for people there! What do You think so? Any ideas of interesting things connected with my country?

And one more question. Kitchen is really not my place at home, but I think about studying how to cook some traditional food. Do you know any recipe that You can really recommend me? I’m asking now as I want to try to do it here in Poland before going there so that I won’t kill anybody!

That’s all for today! I think in next fast I’m gonna write a little bit about my future high school so don’t miss it!


czwartek, 13 czerwca 2013

The very beginning!

Nie mam najmniejszego pojęcia od czego zacząć, bo mam Wam tak wiele do przekazania.
W skrócie – lecę na dziesięciomiesięczną wymianę do USA! Tak, to już pewne. Od dwóch dni wiem także, że przez najbliższy rok będę mieszkać w północno-wschodniej części stanu Colorado, a dokładniej w Greeley (godzinę drogi od Denver). Jest to miasteczko liczące około 90 000 mieszkańców. Kiedy to się okazało miałam mega mieszane uczucia, ale szybko moje wątpliwości się rozwiały. Będę wylatywać zapewne na początku sierpnia i od razu w ciągu tego miesiąca w Greeley będą 3 wystawy psów (mam bzika, wiem).
Razem z koleżanką z Włoch, z którą razem zamieszkamy w Greeley u naszej host-mamy będziemy chodzić do Northridge High School. Około 1000 uczniów i nastawienie na przedmioty ścisłe (TAK!). Mamy całkiem niezłą drużynę baseballową i footballową, a maskotką naszej szkoły jest GRIZZLY!
Mega cieszę się z tego placementu, bo z tego co widzę i rozmawiałam ze znajomymi, Colorado jest pięknym stanem! Będę wszystko fotografować a na dzisiaj tylko kilka zdjęć. Jak tylko skontaktuje się z host-mamą na pewno napiszę więcej! W kolejnych postach dokładniej opiszę Wam szkołę, miasteczko, host-siostrę i całą moją historię z wymianą.  
A więc czytajcie "Color Your Colorado"!
 Lokalizacja Greeley na mapie USA
 Greeley - panorama
 Szkoła z lotu ptaka
Profil Northridge High School