czwartek, 20 czerwca 2013

Some news and stuff

Hmm, I haven't writen for a while, because I didn't have any interesting information. Until now, so first of all:
- Even if I went to 12th grade, I cannot be graduated. But I think I found the solution and maybe after one year I will back to USA privately to finish high school;
-I have contact with my host mom. And she is great! We are texting a little bit and for now I know that one of my "things to do" will be teaching her how to properly use computer. I will have my own room (and already have plan how to decorate it a little bit).
- And I'm really curious about school, but at the moment I know only that I'm going to choose classes when I will be in States. I should start thinking what kind of sport I will take to train.. Any ideas? 
Down here some pictures:
 1. Street view. Looks warm ;)
 2. Bed in one of the rooms. It's still empty, but I will fix it :)
3. Always wanted to have somethong like that!!!
Hope to post some new information soon :)

5 komentarzy:

  1. Super że założyłaś bloga tylko czemu akurat po angielsku? ;) miła odmiana ale ludzie moga mieć problem ;P

    1. Na początku chciałam prowadzić bloga po polsku, ale moi znajomi, którzy nie znają polskiego, poprosili o wersje angielską. Może zacznę pisać po polsku i po angielsku, ale to dwa razy więcej roboty! :)

  2. Colorado, fajny stan! Zapraszam na mojego bloga :) Mi trafiła się Pennsylvania.

    1. Już dawno cały przeczytany :) Będę śledzić ;)

  3. hej! tez bede wymiencem prawdopodbnie w tym roku dlatego zapraszam na mojego bloga dodaje cie rowniez na moim blogu do listy wymiencow :)
